Free icons, illustrations, and photos for your Google documents will always be at a click distance with the Icons8 add-on. No more googling. Enrich your docs with engaging visuals right on the go!
- Icons: consistent, pixel-perfect, made by the best icon designers
- Illustrations: 3D and flat, created by top Dribbble artists
- Photos: people, objects, and animals, ready-to-use shots, and background-free elements, taken by a movie-scale crew
- Sorted by categories and styles
- Searchable by keywords
- Adjustable sizes and colors for icons and illustrations
Perfect for:
- Teachers and students
- Marketing and sales teams
- Analysts and data scientists
- Anyone who needs to create beautiful, insightful content
If you have a business account with Google, you can install the Icons8 add-on for all the users from your organization. It will take only a couple of clicks. If it takes more, check out the Google Help Center.
How to use:
- Inside a Google doc, slide or sheet, click Add-ons > Free icons, photos & illustrations > Start. The add-on shows up.
- Use tabs to switch between icons, illustrations, and photos.
- Find an image you like and click to add it to your document.